So, you clicked on the "Click Here" button
that I clearly warned you not to click.

Stop Throwing Your Money Away On Piano Lessons!

Here's a picture of Little Johnny.

Johnny has been taking piano lessons for about a year and a half. He has learned the quarter note, the half note and the whole note.

As you can clearly see from the picture above, Little Johnny is bored out of his mind.

He would like nothing more than for his mom to come running into the room and explain to him that it would be in his best interest if he stopped taking piano lessons.

"How do I know that's what Little Johnny is thinking?", you ask.

Well, I know what he's thinking, because that's exactly what I looked like when I was Little Johnny's age - and I had the same reoccurring thoughts every time I had to sit down at the piano to practice.

What does it feel like having to practice every day?

It's kind of like going to a doctor with the worst bedside manner of all time. You're in the examination room getting a routine check-up and you promise yourself that you're never coming back to this office again...but before you know it, the receptionist is handing you an appointment card for a 6-month follow-up.

You shove the card into your wallet or purse, vowing to never return, and before you know it you're getting that phone call reminding you of your appointment...and because you forgot all of the reasons why you said you'd never return and because you really haven't had time to find another doctor, you find yourself sitting in the waiting room to see the doctor with the worst bedside manner of all time, which you suddenly remember two seconds after stepping one foot into the examination room.

That's a fairly accurate illustration of what it feels like having to practice the piano every day.

It doesn't have to be this way, but unfortunately, this is what many piano students will experience in their brief excursion into private piano lessons.

Of course, the most obvious question is, "How do I learn how to play the piano without feeling the boredom that many piano students experience?"

After all, isn't boredom part of the process? Don't students have to learn self-discipline? Isn't self-discipline learning how to deal with boredom? Didn't you survive the process?

To answer the question about me surviving the process, the answer is yes and no, because when I turned 18, I quit piano. That's right! After 13 years of traditional piano lessons -- I quit.

So Why Did I Quit?

It wasn't because I couldn't play or read sheet music? I quit because something was missing.

What was missing was the joy that I should have been experiencing after 13 years of piano lessons. Looking back, I don't have a lot of fond memories of the 13 year process.

  • As a kid, I would have rather been sitting in a dentist's chair every Thursday afternoon at 3:30 pm instead of getting my weekly piano lesson...until I learned this amazing technique!
  • If you want to learn the easiest, most enjoyable way of learning the piano, then click the button directly below.

Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar
Pennsauken, NJ 08109
Phone: (856) 662-6855

CHA 17th Anniversary Logo

Office Hours
Monday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm -  3:00 pm

Recitals Are Open To Students Of All Levels!

Also Teaching Adults How
To Play Piano!

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