Lesson #1: Right Hand

 The Music Staff

In Western musical notation, the music staff or stave is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces, each representing a different musical pitch. Each pitch is indicated by one of seven letter names. (see illustration below)

 The Treble Clef

The symbol to the left is called a treble clef. This symbol is normally placed on the top staff in a grand staff. (see image in part 3 below) This symbol is typically associated with notes played with your right hand.

The Grand Staff

The grand staff, (also know as the Grand Stave), is made up of two staves. The upper stave typically displays music notes for the right hand, and the bottom stave typically displays music notes for the left hand.

 Play The Sheet Music

In step 4 you can click the sheet music below to see and hear the notes that you will learn in this lesson. In Lesson #1 you will learn to play quarter notes using the Middle C key on your piano keyboard. Quarter notes get 1 beat or 1 count.

"Online_Piano_Lesson_#1_For_Kids" by Composer56Piano

The controls directly below the sheet music allow you to rewind, play sheet music, adjust the tempo or speed of the sheet music, and enlarge the screen.

 Piano Scroll View

The sheet music displayed directly above can also be seen in a piano scroll view. This portion of each lesson will open up another web site in a separate tab, allowing you to see and hear the notes being play on an overhead piano keyboard.

The image below will appear as soon as the new tab opens. Once the new tab opens, click on the small piano icon to view the piano scroll. Click Here.

Lessons 1 to 4 have been time-tested and proven to give students a significant boost in understanding the general layout of the piano keyboard.

The goal of this lesson is to continue to familiarize the beginner student with the piano keyboard and introduce the Middle C key with the right hand.

Right-Hand Exercise

Students will use their 2nd, 3rd & 4th fingers to play the group of 3 black keys and should practice this exercise for 3 to 4 days before advancing to Online Video Piano Lesson #4.

Benefit #1 of Online Lessons: The ability to watch each lesson any time, day or night, makes learning the piano more convenient than ever before.

For piano students
ages 5 to 9, parents should sit in with their kids for a minimum of 5 lessons to insure that their son or daughter understands how to navigate each lesson.

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Once you've completed Online Lesson #8, we'll send you complete details about enrolling in affordable online video piano lessons at a fraction of the cost of private in-home lessons.

Remember to Sign Up for Free Online Lessons 5 to 8 at the end of Lesson #4.

Developed for kids ages 5-yrs-old and up. Learn at your own pace. Watch the lessons as many times as you want. Try 10 free lessons. No credit card required.

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