Monthly - June 2018
This free online newsletter, as well as our printed newsletter is just one way for us to thank our students and their parents for choosing the Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar.
You are the reason we strive every day to be the best piano and guitar teachers in the Cherry Hill area. Thank you! Click the button below to sign up for our printed and e-Newsletter.
Quote of the Month
“Rock & roll is like a painting...Can great paintings still be done? It depends on who holds the brush.” - Patti Smith
Finally, school is out and you’re
ready for summer! There’s so much to look forward to! It’s a time where you can
relax and enjoy the things you didn’t have time for.
Now that the homework is out of the way, think about all the awesome new music that today’s musicians have prepared for you just for the summer!
Over the years, many of these songs were actually about the summer (and the beach) and so you can categorize thesesongs as “seasonal songs”.
Remember how we talked
in last month’s newsletter about
how a
well written song can stand the test of time? Seasonal songs are also known for
their longevity. Here is a list of songs that will continue to be enjoyed
during the summer for many years to come…
Blues" - Eddie Cochran (1958) "Summertime, Summertime” - The Jamies
(1958), “Surfin'
Safari," (1962) "Surfin'
U.S.A.," (1963)…
- Well okay, all the songs by the Beach Boys…
Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days Of Summer" - Nat King Cole (1963) “Hot Fun In The Summertime" - Sly &
The Family Stone (1969) “Summer Breeze” - Seals & Croft (1972)
Summer" - Bananarama
Boys Of Summer” - Don Henley (1984)
Of '69" - Bryan Adams (1985)
Over the years the record industry tries to pick songs that they think will be big hits during the summer. Although, the songs actually about summer thinned out after the 80’s but not to worry, summertime will always have new music to enjoy!
To see how music changes for each
generation we must visit the past first. The wonderful thing about learning
your instrument
is that you have decades of music to choose from!
The more you learn about the different styles that were created over the years, the more you appreciate how any why each generation made the music the way they did, and how you can create new music for the future!
Please take your time and listen to these songs and think about how and why they will always be part of the summer. In next month’s newsletter we’ll explore the decades after the 1990’s right up to today’s songs.
Enjoy this Beach Boys Medley!
Student Of The Month
Sophie Cherfane
As a teacher, I always encourage my students to spend time playing the piano besides just practicing. Sophie spends a lot of time on the piano doing both and it shows at every lesson.
She has written two original piano compositions and has a great ear for rhythm and melody.
Playing by ear is Sophie's strength. Even though she is not a big fan of sheet music, she uses written notation as more of a guideline.
My goal as a teacher is to help students reach their musical goals and give them the skills to play the music they enjoy. Sophie is very focused during her lessons and works hard on a consistent basis to accomplish what she has set her mind to do.
Guy Faux - Sophie's Piano Teacher
Congratulations Sophie! Your framed Certificate of Achievement is on the way!
Interview with Sophie Cherfane
What instruments do you play? Piano
long have you been taking piano lessons? 8 years.
Who are your favorite musical artists? Demi Lavato and Sam Smith.
What are your other hobbies besides music? Playing Tennis & Lacrosse
Favorite food? Chicken Piccata!
What is the coolest thing you’ve learned in your lessons the past 3 months? How to compose an original composition.
Advice for other students? Keep pushing yourself and practicing because every time you sit down and play, you get better and better.
We would like to thank all of our wonderful students and teachers for all the hard work you did to prepare for this year’s summer recitals. Great job everyone!
Guy & Suzanne Faux
One of the best bands that
incorporates great rock-n-roll
for summer
has to be
Huey Lewis and the News!
With fun upbeat
band is a great example of how pop/rock music will
enjoyed for generations.
Huey Lewis and the News is an American Pop/Rock band whose most popular time was during the 1980s and early 1990s. During that time they had 19 top ten singles and had numerous fun and memorable videos on MTV.
The band still tours and creates new music to this day. Their most successful album, Sports, was released in 1983 followed by even more success with the release of their song, "The Power of Love" which was featured in the hit film Back to the Future.
With songs like, “Hip To Be
Square”, “If This Is It”, and “The Heart
Of Rock & Roll”
their music
is perfect to add to your collection of summer songs, so check
them out!
Note: If you have Mr. Guy as your teacher, ask him about the time Huey Lewis and the News gave him and a few audience members a special performance, just for them!
What is at the heart of Rock-N-Roll? Rock-n-Roll officially started in the 1950’s. It was influenced by many styles including gospel, jazz, boogie woogie, and rhythm and blues.
Since rock-n-roll was fundamentally for dancing, it needed just a bit more, it needed a backbeat. The snare drum provided the needed element and what is known as classic rock includes one or two electric guitars, a bass guitar, and drums.
The cross over to pop music included the piano and many other instruments to create a new blend of rock and roll styles. Because pop has the fundamental elements of rock 'n roll, it can also be considered rock music.
Rock-n-Roll also gave way to other rock inspired styles. Rockabilly drew mainly on the country roots, while Doo-Wop focused on multi-part vocal harmonies. British rock and roll musicians were influenced by American style music such as Boogie Woogie and the Blues.
From the mid-1960s on, “Rock and Roll"
was renamed just "rock” focusing on the guitar, bass and drum to define
while giving new avenues to dance music such as disco, house, and techno.
As you can see, most music styles have their roots in Rock-n-Roll. When you listen to the different styles of music, just remember the heart of rock-n-roll is still beating in each song.
Grand Total = 39 !
You may be saying to yourself, "No way! That's not what I counted!" Alright, let's see how many from each page...
Page One = 13 Total
(3 on the painting + 2 bottom left + 8 front right)
Page Two = 9 Total
(4 around detective - one note is flat... get it? + 1 on the computer, + 1 under "Thank You" + 3 by Huey Lewis and the News)
Page Three = 12 Total
(3 on music staff top left, + 3 near guitar, + 3 jukebox, + 3 in floating heart - last one is part of the heart!)
Front and Back Cover = 5 Total
(3 in the music staff + 2 coming out of the itunes gift box!)
Did you find them all? Great Job!
your count is still off, you may have forgotten that a G-Clef is NOT an
actual music note! Don't worry you're the only one that counted them!!
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This Month's Winner!
This month's winner of our "Did You Read Your Newsletter" Contest is Matthew Dvortsyn.
Congratulations, Matthew! You have won a
$25 iTunes Gift Card!
Of course the only way to know if you've won is to be reading your monthly newsletter....but don't worry, you have 90 days to call us to collect your prize - and since we'll be listing your name again in the next 2 issues of The Cherry Hill Academy Newsletter, you have two more chances to collect your prize!
Check past issues below to see
if you were a winner!
We hope to hear from you soon!
Our Newletters are still available online!
Miss an issue?
Below are links to all the newsletters we've had so far!
To request more information about private piano and/or guitar lessons click here.
Sign up today by calling 856-662-6855 or e-mail
Lessons are available: Monday through Friday 3:00 to 9:00 p.m.
1 FREE Lesson Every 90 Days!
Call: (856) 662-6855
Lesson Time Slots
Monday - Friday: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar
Pennsauken, NJ 08109
Phone: (856) 662-6855
Office Hours
Monday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Recitals Are Open To Students Of All Levels!
Also Teaching Adults How
To Play Piano!
Click Here For More Information!