Monthly - DECEMBER 2018
This free online
newsletter is just one way for us to
thank our students and their parents for choosing the Cherry Hill
Academy of Piano & Guitar.
You are the reason we strive every day to be the best piano and guitar teachers in the Cherry Hill area. Thank you!
"It is so important for people at a young age to be invited to embrace classical music and opera.
- Luciano Pavarotti
Looking back over the year you can be sure that you’ve come
a long way! Remember when you started your music lessons? You can be sure that
each year that goes by, you only get better!
It doesn’t seem like it at the time because your teacher is always giving you a new challenge! Just when you think you’ve got it down, your teacher comes up with something more for you to learn.
That may seem frustrating, but in this world of instant everything it’s important to learn that anything worth learning takes time. Take a deep breath and let the music you learn become a part of you.
When you are learning a video game, you don’t know all the twists and turns that are coming your way. The only way to become a skilled player is to repeat the game many times, and each time it gets easier!
Now pay attention, what I’m about to tell you will come true…
No matter what instrument you are learning, this is guaranteed to happen. One day, you’ll be somewhere other than your home. You’ll see a piano and start playing, or maybe you’ll bring your guitar on vacation and play it on the beach next to a fire, or you’ll be singing along with others at a birthday party.
Whatever the occasion, someone who has never heard your
music skill will comment on how good you are, and how they wished they could do
what you do.
At that very moment, you can be VERY proud of yourself!
You’re in good company! All the true musicians in the world have worked very hard for a long time to make it seem easy.
That wonderful, magical
feeling you’ll get that someone is acknowledging your hard work will keep you
motivated to keep practicing. You'll be proud of all the hard work you did when that special occasion day comes unexpectedly!
Expand Your Musical Horizons
Oh, we know you don't want to hear it...opera, classical music. But since you're taking music lessons, you should give those genres a chance.
Here are some holiday songs to listen to. You just might recognize what your teacher has been teaching you applies to more than the instrument you're learning!
Wishing Everyone A....
And A Very...
Q: What kind of cake does Frosty like?
A: The kind with lots of frosting!
Q: What do you get when you cross Frosty
with a shark?
A: Frost bite!
Thankful For Our Teachers
We want to thank our wonderful teachers for all the hard
work they do all year long! They travel every day in all kinds of traffic and
weather to get to each student’s home on time.
They prepare each of their student’s lessons on their own
time, and are always doing research online to make each student’s experience
Our teachers teach with patience and care. They make each student feel as though they are the only student they teach. They do such a good job, most students don’t realize that their teacher teach others besides themselves throughout the week!
We also have a lot of great feedback from parents as well as the adult students that they teach, thanking us for finding such wonderful teachers!
Thank you for being a part of the Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar Chris, Nanci, Laura, Cale and George! We appreciate all your hard work and devotion!
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and get a $25 iTunes Gift Card!
Our Newletters are still available online!
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Below are links to all the newsletters we've had so far!
To request more information about private piano and/or guitar lessons click here.
Sign up today by calling 856-662-6855 or e-mail
Lessons are available: Monday through Friday 3:00 to 9:00 p.m.
1 FREE Lesson Every 90 Days!
Call: (856) 662-6855
Lesson Time Slots
Monday - Friday: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar
Pennsauken, NJ 08109
Phone: (856) 662-6855
Office Hours
Monday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Recitals Are Open To Students Of All Levels!
Also Teaching Adults How
To Play Piano!
Click Here For More Information!